Quality control

Within our quality control process, we make sure to measure and guarantee that both the product and the various factors involved in production and logistics activities meet our high quality standards and are within the specifications approved by the authorities, a unique and recognized characteristic of Hanseandina.

This process is carried out with the following activities:

  • Approval of all raw materials and packaging materials, prior to production.
  • Taking retention samples of each batch of finished product with its respective photographic record.
  • Supervision of the loading of the merchandise into the container and registration with its respective photographic support.
  • Sending the samples to the SPRI Quality Control Laboratory - Shanghai Pesticide Research Institute located in the city of Shanghai, for quality analysis of each production batch.
  • For 2 years, retention samples from each batch produced are stored at SPRI facilities, in a place dedicated solely to Hanseandina.
  • We prepare photographic reports of production and loading, as well as as certificates of analysis for each export made from China.
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