Hanse DNA

Hanseandina en números

Hanseandina DNA

Our essence is based on the teamwork and continuous support that we provide with each of our strategic allies, since they are the fundamental basis for growth and differentiation in the market. We are committed to providing innovative tools to farmers for the protection of their crops, which are based on cutting-edge technology and the continuous research we carry out for the product portfolio.

Years of experience

Years of experience

Satisfied farmers

Satisfied farmers

Less impact on plants

Less impact on plants

Less impact on plants

Less impact on plants

Our mission and vision


We offer farmers innovative, high-quality products that solve the challenges during the production of their crops, promoting responsible product management and providing sustainability to our people, allies and business partners.


Offer farmers innovative high-tech products with low chemical impact, which solve the challenges during the production of their crops, promoting environmentally responsible agriculture with the help of our people, our distribution channels and manufacturers.

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Hanseandina en números

Corporate values



In everything we do, you win and we win to ensure a lasting relationship.


We think big, give feedback and insist on exceeding agreed-upon goals.


We act in accordance with the company's moral and ethical guidelines.


We are curious, we ask, we investigate and we dialogue to add value and make a difference.


We are clear in communicating our objectives and we care about the well-being of our clients and colleagues.


Strategic pillars

Con presencia a nível global, estamos cerca para atender tus necesidades.

Portfolio Development

Innovative high-tech portfolio with low environmental impact, where we select the biological targets in which we are most effective, carrying out laboratory and field tests to guarantee the performance and quality of our products.

Environmental responsibility

Hanseandina is focused on the production and marketing of products with low chemical impact for crop protection. It also promotes the responsible management of the portfolio by training members of the value chain through our Beep Bee Protection program and the dissemination of its use. and safe handling of products.

Human resource

At Hanseandina we promote the emotional integration of employees, periodically carry out performance evaluations and seek to retain talent with long-term personal development programs.

Sell Out Based Business

We carry out permanent technical training of our portfolio to farmers, technical assistants, distribution channels, etc. and we demonstrate their performance and benefits in the field.

Alliance with Channel and Suppliers

At Hanseandina we promote lasting technical and commercial relationships, seeking to foster credibility in ourselves and sustainability for both parties.